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Programmable Valve System for Hydrocephalus


- CODMAN Programmable valve can adjust the pressure range in 18 steps,

- This gives the Surgeon a subtle adjustment to the opening pressure.

- Pressure adjustment is quick and easy through the program interface.

- Using the same micro technology used in the Swiss watchmaking process

- The pressure accuracy has been increased to the level of 1/1000 mm.

- All instruments are provided in sterile conditions and biocompatibility is improved.


- 8 steps of setting (including'Virtual Off function)

- MRI Tesistant-up to (3Tesla)

- Tool Kit option suitable for various skin tissue thickness can be selected

- Compatible with BACTISEAL and SIPHONGUARD (Anti-siphon) devices

Programmable Valve System for Hydrocephalus


- Allows for a non-invasive reading to assist in monitoring and adjusting valve pressure 

- 2 Locator Tool options to choose from for optimal alignment with the valve 

- Indicator Tool provides rapid reading of valve setting Lightweight design and portable carrying case

Programmable Valve System for Hydrocephalus


- Confidence by Design Creates a unique, effective barrier to gram positive bacterial colonization on all catheter surfaces.

- Maintains the critical first month shunt implant vigil with two, slow-release antibiotics.

- Reduces the potential for colonization both in the catheter lumen and on its outer surface. 


- Treated with the patented BACTISEAL Advanced Impregnation Process

- Reducing the potential for bacterial colonization on inner lumen and exterior catheter wall

- Soft,flexible,pliable silicone catheters

- Depth markings for accurate placement

- Requires no technique change

- Available with either normal or large drainage lumen

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